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Interactive Zone

AUGUST 2025 - PERÚ / MACHU PICCHU - South America


After much anticipation, it is our pleasure to officially announce the first international R.I.T.M.O. Summer Retreat in 2025, which will take place in the unique space of the Historic Sanctuary of MACHU PICCHU and its surroundings in Perú. 


This gathering will be a one in a lifetime opportunity to experience rhythmic and human flow at its peak, at one of the most iconic places on the planet, around the R.I.T.M.O. process and methodology, and in the company of a great like-minded community of people. 


The retreat will take place during the first 2 weeks of August in 2025, a pre-registration online process is necessary for anyone interested in attending.​ Please fill out the form below.


We look forward to welcoming you to this profound life-time rhythmic adventure!



Machu Picchu Pre-register


Thank you for Pre-registering for the 2025 R.I.T.M.O. SUMMER RETREAT



We have received your registration form.

We will soon contact you with more details.​​​

General Information about the registration process

The pre-registration process will take place during the month of May 2024, which will help our team to collect the data and analyze the level of interest, in order to finalize details for the retreat and to organize the information for the people interested in participating, based on their geographical location (which will facilitate our communication for each group in every continent). 


Every person that pre-registers in May, will be contacted and notified during the months of June/July 2024 with more information about the process of registration and status of the retreat, as well as potential informative meetings where more details will be shared and questions can be answered. 


Should there be higher demand than expected, a waiting-list process will be applied and people will as well be notified about the status of their potential participation in the retreat. 


We expect to have all the details for the retreat (logistics, travel plans and itineraries) out to the general public during the rest of the 2024 calendar year.




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